Friday, May 11, 2018

Mother's Day

Arise and Shine for the glory of the Lord has risen among you!  Isaiah 60:1

Today my son graduates from TACP school.  My heart overwhelmed with my God's great faithfulness.  A year ago, my oldest son went to basic training and my heart was so heavy for him.  A young man looking for something that he would hopefully find in his new career choice.  Then there were the obstacles, battles and now triumphs.  In January, I was a little weighted down with the many life events occurring in 2018. They were all so grand and miraculously amazing...However, a lot of changes.  

I found myself on my knees, fasting and praying for my children.  I heard the Lord tell me to, "take care of his children and He would take care of mine!"  This came after an invitation to go on a Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic.  I knew that the Lord would take care of my children as I went where he commissioned me to go.  

Here I am in one state while my son is in another.  He is graduating today and my heart bursts with joy that he has accomplished something he set his mind and will to do.  Momma's prayers and tears were hidden in the secret...but yet, my Pappa saw them.  He heard them...and now I get to taste of the fruit of them as I see my son move forward in his life goals.  

You may be wondering..."why aren't you there to celebrate this life event with him?"  Yes, very good question....Originally, he had given us two dates...He wasn't sure so we went with the later date.  I booked my plane tickets and hotel....A few days later, we were given the other date.  Problem was...I booked through a third party that charges fees to change or cancel your flight plans.  The airline that the third party booked through also charged outrageous fees to change or cancel.  With that in the back of my thoughts, my youngest son, who wanted to attend his junior prom, informs me that prom is on the same day his brother's graduation is.

A mother's can it be at both places at the same time physically.  I'm at both places in heart, mind, thoughts, prayer and in spirit.  Practically, however, I have to stay back and celebrate the joys of junior prom with my youngest son.  It's also a monumental moment in his life.  The tickets were booked for the day after due to original date given, so looks like I will miss graduation but get to celebrate dress up, flowers, pictures and promenade.  I'm super excited for both of my boys.  

I am amazed at the Lord's faithfulness.  My children have grown and I am so blessed to call them my own.  The Lord has truly made his face to shine upon them and their lives.  My youngest daughter is graduating from college next week.  Buying a house and getting married all within months.  Life moves so quickly and it truly is but a vapor.  You blink and you may miss every single monumental moment if you're not watching and waiting and paying close attention.  

My greatest joy in life has been the high call of being a mother.  I didn't have a role model.  My mother was incapable of taking care of herself, let alone me.  I paid the price for her pain and her sins...I cried out to the Lord to teach me to be a mother.  I failed miserably many times, but God's grace was truly sufficient.  As I watch my children enter into adulthood, I am so grateful that the Lord has been the foundation of their life.  I am so thankful that Holy Spirit walked with me and guided me as I cried out for wisdom on what to do and how to do it.  He generously would pour wisdom into me and direct my steps.  

Recently, I was watching the testimony of Justin Beiber's mom.  Something that she said has become a meme over my heart.  'I am not perfect but I am faithful!'  It's so true.  As long as we rise up when we fall...As long as we admit our weaknesses and failings and let God be our strength and cover us with his mighty love and redeem us with His blood, we will press on from glory to glory.

I am about to enter a new realm of blessing and that's becoming a grandma to my oldest daughter and son-in-love's son.  My heart swells each time I think of kissing his sweet cheeks and looking into his eyes and being able to say, 'my sweet grandson, I fell in love with you before I even knew you.'  My father is so faithful!  He's so gracious, good and loves me so much more than my mind can even fathom.  

I pray blessings and abundant unconditional love and mercy to flow out upon each momma reading this.  When you feel upon His name.  When you feel like you've failed, ask Him to come and teach you how to get through each step...each moment...each second...His love covers us in our failings...

Perfect love cast out fear.  His love is perfect. (1 John 4:18).  I believe the Lord has given us the incredible honor of parenting us to teach us of UNCONDITIONAL love.  Think about it.  The love that abounds from your heart to your children...There is nothing they could do that would make me stop loving them.  Our father loves us more than that!  MORE!  He's given us this DEEP love for our children.  In that deep love, there's a covering of failing and failures.  It's a covering that says, 'get can do's's not step at a love will cover you and we will get through this!'  

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

What is true love?  1 Corinthians 13.  In that love is where you will typically find a mother...a father...loving their children...I didn't experience that with my own mother and father...Only a few people I can name has loved me like that...But I know that my father in heaven does.  The Lord teaches us in the areas that we cry out for help in.  

Psalm 27:10-14
Though my father and mother forsake me,
    the Lord will receive me.
11 Teach me your way, Lord;
    lead me in a straight path
    because of my oppressors.
12 Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes,
    for false witnesses rise up against me,
    spouting malicious accusations.

13 I remain confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

I am so blessed that I got to be a full time stay at home mom.  The investment of that life is treasures stored in heaven.  Thank you, Lord for my treasures...My children.  Bless them and teach them your ways...Bless the moms out there who feel like they are failing...Be their strength.  Pour wisdom out upon them and show them the things that they do not know.  We love you Lord and we ask to continue making us in your image...filling us with your great love...teaching us to love recklessly...and unconditionally.  Bless our children and our children's children for 1000 generations, Father with your exceedingly great love.  (Exodus 20:6)

Joshua wearing, surprising!  NOT!  Jake loving that his big brother is talking to him!  Wasn't this yesterday?  It couldn't have been 17 years ago....Seriously, I must have blinked to long!