Friday, July 22, 2016

The Seasons Change, do you?

Arise and Shine for the glory of the Lord has risen among you - Isaiah 60:1

I am in an expanse of time where the seasons are changing.  I can feel the change.  I can sense things are changing.  Depending on the approaching season, is the level of excitement or sadness.  I do not look forward to the winter season one little tiny bit.  I don't like cold.  I don't like being barricaded inside a building with no fresh air or warm breezes for months upon months.  When fall turns into winter, I am not impressed or excited at all.  Winter is death.  It's silence.  It's barrenness.  It's isolation. It's darkness.  It's stale and cold. 

There's such an excitement inside of me when I begin to see the signs of the winter season turning into spring.  I begin to see and hear the birds sing new songs.  I begin to see the hard, frozen ground thaw.  You see garbage and trash under bushes that became temporary freezers hiding away all the wind blown debris.  I even welcome picking up the garbage and throwing it away.  There is such a hope and thrill knowing that my flowers will soon bloom and trees will sprout life buds. 

When spring turns into summer there's not too much of a change.  The days get hotter and the nights cooler.  The sun shines brilliantly and gardens are in full blossom.  Summer is so perfect.  Stormy nights and rainbows and butterflies and hummingbirds are a few of my favorite visitors of summer.  Knowing the ocean is roaring and the sand is hiding away tiny treasures of shells and vivid colors of sea glass is a blissful notion.  Favorite fruits and vegetables are abundant and the smell of tanning lotions and citronella candles tickle my nostrils. 

Although fall is so beautiful displaying amazing colors of harvest, there is also a sadness that comes upon me; knowing that my favorite days will soon be passing.  I love the bountiful blessings that autumn brings, but it's truly bittersweet because I know that darkness, coldness, and death of everything I love is knocking on the door of change. 

Here I am in a season of change.  I believe I'm in a season of springtime.  I am seeing sprouts of newness all around me.  I see the former things that were dead and cold quickly waning.  It's like March in my season I'm in.  March is very up and down.  You may have an 80 degree day one week and the next week 24 inches of snow.  You tread through March really not knowing what to expect.  That is the season I am in.  You venture into March with hope and dread.  Sometimes, March feels like forever...March this month EVER gonna end.  So tired of winter and over it all, yet looking forward to the hope of newness...Up and down days...some days feel amazing other days like they will never end.  I try to focus on the sunshine...some days the clouds cover it victoriously.  Other days, the brilliance of the warmth of it's radiant beams disperse the clouds and skies are blue and clear. 
I try to stay full of hope...Hopeful...I want to be so saturated with the warmth of God's love that no bitter frozone could touch the fiery passion of His presence in my life.  Some days I need to throw alittle accelerant on the blaze of my love for him...When I keep my focus on the one who will walk with me through every change....when I do not look to the left or to the right and Know that this too will pass, I am strengthened enough to open my bible and read His promises. 

My God is for me.  He is never against me.  He will never leave me.  He will never forsake me.  He is always good.  He is always God.  He changes not.  Even though seasons change, He does NOT change.  Even though my emotions change, my circumstances change, my life changes....God DOES NOT CHANGE. 

Change is a really good thing.  Change is necessary!  Change is important.  We are transformed from glory to glory.  If we did not change, we would stay the same...When things remain the same, dormancy occurs...complacency happens...passivity is all around.  Could you imagine if life suddenly became like Ground Hog's Day?  Every morning you woke up, you were stuck in winter and nothing progressed forward!  O Please Jesus, wake me up from that horrible dream now!

This is a movie so we can look at it like being stuck in the same season over and over and over would have benefit to it...but that's Hollywood.  Changing of seasons is important.  Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. As I am in this season of change, I want to be one that will be ready IN season and OUT of season.  I want to be one that has FRUIT available in the winter season and in the HARVEST season.  I want the Lord to use my life and the transformations of my days for his glory...So, I chose to embrace the changes that are fast approaching.  I will look forward and know that God holds my days in His hands.  He wants the best for me...So as one season is ending and another beginning, I hold fast to my faith and say, "Lord, I trust you through it all!"
"Choose to call out to God and Worship Him in the midst."

I thank you for strengthening me through this process of change.  I want to be a vessel useful for your glorious works...So do what you need to do in me to prepare me for the next season of my life.  I pray you are glorified in all I do.  You are good!  You are faithful!  You are the same today, yesterday and forever.  You change not.  Even though I change and transform from glory to glory, you do not change.  You are reliable...You are dependable...You are my hiding place.  You are my refuge.  You are my ever present help in the time of need and I know that you will work all things out for my good.  Thank you God for being so good to me.  I love you!

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